


Lesson 26  Christmas  cards

一 .Teaching Objectives and Demands:

1.Student can understand read say and practice the text.

2.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson.

3.Student can make the difference between present tense ,past tense  and future tense.

        4.Practice writing a Christmas card.

二.The Importance and The Difficult point:

1.The important:Practice three tenses correctly.

2.The difficult point: Make the difference between three tenses.

三.Teaching Aids:

1.some pictures

2.some vocabulary cards

3.audiotape and the tape recorder

四.Allocation of time: one course

五.Teaching steps:

  Step 1.Organizing the teaching


2.Sing an English song.

Step 2. Revision:

1.Play “What day is today?” to review days of the week,months of the year,and ordinal numbers.

2.Play “Spell It” to review “gift” “write a postcard” and “send a postcard”.

1.     Review past tense verbs:

Yesterday                 today

Worked                   work

Ate                      eat

Laughed                  laugh

Went                     go

Saw                      see

Walked                    walk

Played                     play

Talked                     talk

Step 3.Key concepts:yesterday  today  tomorrow

                 Future tense with “going to…”

1.Introduce: Introduce “tomorrow” and the future tense with “going to”.    

   Tomorrow :

    Going to work            going to see

    Going to eat/walk/laugh/play

2.Student book:

              Play the audiotape as the Ss follow in their books.

3.Practice: Play a variation of “Pen pal”. Put the students’ names on slips of papper in a box.Pass the box around the class and ask each student to draw a name. Each student then makes a Christmas card for this person.

 Distribute the Christmas cards in class.Christmas is a winter holiday in Cananda.So the Ss can write about winter activities.  六.Students’ activity:

1.Sing an English song.

2.Daily dialogue.

3. “What day is today?” to review the vocabulary.

4.. Play “Spell It”.

  5.Imitate the dialogue of the lesson.

6.Play he game “Pen pal”to practice making Christmas cards.


Lesson 26  Christmas Cards!

 Past ___yesterday     Ved

Often___often         V/Vs

Future___tomorrow     be going to