


Lesson 13  Always do your homework

一 .Teaching Objectives and Demands:

1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue.

2.Student can understand read and say the following phrases:brush your teeth, have lunch, watch TV and read books.

        3.Student can understand read say and use the following words correctly:always, usually, sometimes and never.

二.The Importance and The Difficult point:

1.The important:Practice the dialogue.

2.The difficult point:Use the adv. correctly.

三.Teaching Aids:

1.some pictures

2.some vocabulary cards

3.audiotape and the tape recorder

四.Allocation of time: one course

五.Teaching steps:

  Step 1.Organizing the teaching


2.Sing an English song “In The Bathroom”

Step 2. Revision:

1.     Review adverbs of frequency.

2.     Review shapes with a dill.

  Step 3.Key concepts:

1.Student book:

a.     Note that in Mr. Wood’s chart, the names of the Ss start with capital letters.Explain the difference between words that describe types of things and words that are names .(Such as Jenny or China)

b.     Play the audiotape as the Ss follow in their books.


 a.Practice shapes and adverbs of frequencey with a dill.Draw shapes on the BB.Beside each shape, write an adverb.

             b.Divide the class into small groups.Ask each group to make a chart like the student book.Brainstorm some questions on the  BB.

         六.Students’ activity:

1.Sing an English song “In The Bathroom”.

2.Play “True or False ” to review adverbs of frequency.

3.Make a chart with a question and answer dill.

4. Make a chart with with a group work.


Lesson 13  Always do your homework!

          brush teeth    help your mother    do your homework

          walk to school      watch TV       read books