


Lesson 10 Li Ming meet Jenny’s class

    Step 1 : Class opening and Review

    1、Play “ Simon says ” to review other vocabulary the student book uses in this lesson .

    For example :

    Simon says : speak English

    speak Chinese

    every jump/point/laugh/cry

    point to China/Canada/the U.S./the U.K.

    Step 1 : Presentation and practice .

    1、Review standard phrases of greeting with “ Stop ! Go ! ”

    For example : How are you ? Fine , thanks .

    Nice to meet you . ( Nice to meet you , too .)

    2、Review questions the students masted in level 4 with a substitution drill .

    1)Use my large vocabulary card of a birthday cake for “ How old are you ? ”

    2)Use a tape measure for “ How tall are you ? ”

    3)Draw quick a house on the black board for “ Where do you live ?”

    3、Lead a dialogue to review the drills .

    1)Ask and answer with the class :

    T : How are you ?

    S : .

    T : Where are you from ?

    S : .

    T : Where do you live ?

    S : .

    T : What’s the name of your city ?

    S : .

    T : Do you speak ?

    S : .

    T : Do you like ?

    S : .

    2)Practice in pairs .

    4、Teach the text .

    1)Listen to the tape and think over these questions .

    a : What’s the name of Li Ming’s city ?

    b : How far is from Shijiazhuang to Beijing ?

    c : When did Li Ming come to Canada ?

    d : Does everyone in Li Ming’s family speak English ?

    2)Discuss the meaning of the text and questions .

    3)Ask them to answer the questions .

    4)Role-play the dialogue .

    Step 3 Consolidation

    1、Ask each group to make up a dialogue about a visitor from another country coming to the classroom .

    2、Ask them to present .

    Step 4 Summary :

    Today we review standard phrases of greeting .Please use them after class .

    Step 5 Homework :

    1、Read the text .

    2、Activity book .